Plate Competition
Bill Turner Cup Plate Competition.
The Plate Competitions vary in popularity from Area to Area. Therefore, it was decided to continue as before. Area Managers are in charge and must be consulted in the same manner as the Cup Competition.
The following conditions are to be followed:
1. Each Plate Competition is to be confined to its own area. This may also apply to a sub-area where there are a large number of entries within a wide area.
2. Sides losing their first games in the Bill Turner Cup Competition (Qualifying Round, Round 1, Round 2) are eligible to enter the Plate Competition.
3. Area Managers will make up the draws once they have the results.
4. Schools may decline to enter but as a normal act of courtesy Area Managers should be informed of that fact before the draw is made.
5. The Rules and Code of Behaviour of the Bill Turner Cup apply.
6. Only one modest winner’s medal and finalist medal has been struck for each competition. However, medals for all team members may be purchased privately and we strongly recommend AUSCRAFT MEDALS to our supporters.
i. Reports at the AGM suggested that the best conducted competitions were those that were played in close proximity to the Cup Competition. Leaving the Plate Series until late can cause interest to wane and/or backlogs to occur.
ii. It is understood that schools in remote areas would find playing in the Plate Competition somewhat difficult. Therefore it was suggested that competitions on an even smaller scale could be introduced. This could be arranged, in the first instance, by consulting with the Area Manager.
For information and assistance in the Plate Competition please contact your Area Manager and/or Executive member.
Please note: Lindsay Hewison is the Manager of the Plate Competition.
Bill Turner Trophy Plate Competition.
The Plate Competitions vary in popularity from Area to Area. Therefore, it was decided to continue as before. Area Managers are in charge and must be consulted in the same manner as the Trophy Competition.
The following conditions are to be followed:
1. Each Plate Competition is to be confined to its own area. This may also apply to a sub-area where there are a large number of entries within a wide area.
2. Sides losing their first games in the Bill Turner Trophy Competition (Qualifying Round, Round 1, Round 2) are eligible to enter the Plate Competition.
3. Area Managers will make up the draws once they have the results.
4. Schools may decline to enter but as a normal act of courtesy Area Managers should be informed of that fact before the draw is made.
5. The Rules and Code of Behaviour of the Bill Turner Trophy apply.
6. Only one modest winner’s medal and finalist medal has been struck for each competition. However, medals for all team members may be purchased privately and we strongly recommend to our supporters AUSCRAFT MEDALS.
i. Reports at the AGM suggested that the best conducted competitions were those that were played in close proximity to the Cup Competition. Leaving the Plate Series until late can cause interest to wane and/or backlogs to occur.
ii. It is understood that schools in remote areas would find playing in the Plate Competition somewhat difficult. Therefore it was suggested that competitions on an even smaller scale could be introduced. This could be arranged, in the first instance, by consulting with the Area Manager.
For information and assistance in the Plate Competition please contact your Area Manager and/or Executive member.
Please note: Lindsay Hewison is the Manager of the Plate Competition.
The Bill Turner Cup and Trophy, the Terry Hampton and Lindsay Hewison Shields, correctly packaged must be returned by 24th Aug.